Work consist in a compilation of information on the colonizing families that arrived to San Vito participating in the project denominated "SICA" (La sociedad Italiana de Colonización Agrícola)
See colaboration decreeOn the museum web page, it will be possible to visualize the following information:
- Year of arrival and departure.
- Region of origin with a geographical map.
- Family members.
- Family photograph.
- Information facilitated by the families.
- Videos
- Other documents of interest like, letters, personal documents, school records and more.
In the first fase a few number of selected families of which theirs lots of documentation available, are chosen to complete the information on each member of the family. (The project will be delivered before, February 28, 2023).
This project is of large significance, in which there is enough time to gather and catalog much more information. Taking in account that many families had a short stay with very limited amount of information.
Without a doubt the historical importance of the Italian settlers cannot be forgotten. The foundation of the colony started in 1952, but with the passage of time history starts to be forgotten with the newer generations.
The aspirations of these settlers, their sacrifices and their legacy cannot me lost to time. This is one of the main reasons for the creation o the virtual museum which will be vital importance for the following generations to comprehend the process of colonizing San Vito. Trying to strengthen the visible and palpable historical legacy nowadays in the younger generations
San Vito was founded in 1952, thanks to the Italian initiative and effort of the unions between Costarricans, Chiricans and indigenous people, that created a great example of colonization by the collected efforts of deferent cultures
This is the reason why the school of Dante Alighieri of San Vito and the COMITES Costa Rica (Committee of Italians in foreign countries) have dedicated there combine efforts to achieve the financial backing for this project through the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación Internacional (Ministry of international affairs and international coperation).
The working group is made up of:
- Dott. Stefano Cesare Consumi -Director.
- Ing. Juan Carlos Laurent -Encargado de la búsqueda histórica.
- Prof. Fabian Chinchilla -Encargado de la gestión y contenido del museo.